Comedian Mark Gregory is One of the Industry’s Fastest Rising Stars

by Diane Alter

Mark’s innate ability to perform and wow churches, corporate clients, and comedy clubs set him apart and make him a widely sought after act. The nephew of comedy legend Dick Gregory, Mark has carved out his own unique path with appearances on Aspire TV’s “We Got Next,” Fox TV’s “One Mic Stand,” and TBS’s “Just for Laughs” comedy festival.

In 2015, Mark won the Search For The One Comedy Competition and has ever since been on an upward trajectory.

Mark has taken his talents abroad, and in 2017, he headlined a seven-day USO tour across Germany for United States service men and women.

In 2018, Mark recorded a comedy special entitled “Run With It,” that is now available on Amazon.

This year has been as busy as well, with Mark participating in the 2019 Martha’s Vineyard Comedy Fest.

Following are Mark’s responses to some pressing questions from This Week on MV.

TW: Who/what do you take inspiration from?

MG: CT Fletcher, Eric Thomas, Navy Seals, and military personnel.

TW: Tell us what you are lost without.

MG: I am lost without setting goals and having a sense of purpose.

TW: What is the first thing you do every morning?

MG: After thinking about getting up and being productive, I say, nah, I want more sleep!

TW: What historical figure do you most identify with?

MG: Many of the great poets from the Clan of Wu Tang: “Cash Rules Everything Around Me,” “Cream Get the Money,” and Dollar Dollar Bill Y’all.

TW: What five people would be your ideal dinner guests?

MG: Malcom X: I would have him bring dip. MLK seems like he’d make a mean sweet potato pie. Denzel Washington would come through with the grilled chicken, My mom, because she had a strong Mac & Cheese game. The last seat will be for Jenny…Jenny from Forrest Gump. I wanna know why she played my man for all those years?

TW: Please complete the following: I spend half my day…

MG: Wondering if the other half of my day is jealous that I am spending time with the other half.

TW: Please share with us the funniest joke you know by heart?

MG: What was Bruce Lee’s favorite drink? Waa Taaa!!! Get it wataa (water) hahaha.

TW: What are your unwritten work rules?

MG: Work a job and your passion at the same time. Eventually, your passion will be youth job. In sum, work smarter not harder and if you don’t get the raise you want, steal everything that is not bolted down.

TW: Tell us about your top indulgence?

MG: Really, I don’t have one.

TW: OK. How about your favorite candy?

MG: Right now it is chocolate Reese’s Cups.

TW: What do you love about Martha’s Vineyard?

MG: Saying you went to Martha’s Vineyard allows you to look down on all the peasants who have not been. I get to feel elite for a few days. I call it incremental reparations.

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