An Evening Exploring the Beauty and Taste of Menemsha

by Morgan Cowper

Boats, blue skies, and the melodic sound of the harbor accompany one’s meal at the Menemsha Galley. The two-story building sits at the end of North Road outside of Chilmark.  The cedar shingles are well weathered from the salty ocean breezes; this is the charm of a New England fishing town.

Two sliding screen windows are dotted on the face of the Menemsha Galley, each window lined with its own unique set of menus.  Pesto, Tomato, and grilled swordfish catch my eye as I approach the register.  A minor internal conflict consumes me, as I am now torn on what to order. Against the back wall I notice a framed article, claiming that Menemsha Galley is the place to have swordfish and a savory bowl of clam chowder.  Persuaded by this promise, the choice was made clear.

As I make my way around the perimeter of the building a well-worn path unfolds before my eyes.  It takes me to a covered deck on the backside of the Menemsha Galley. The crinkle of paper bags fills the air as people unwrap their meals. I sit down along the open window, taking in the view of the small harbor. Docks line the water, with kayaks, and fishing boats bobbing up and down in the waves.

As I wait for dinner, the sight and smell of numerous local favorites cascade past my senses. A Lobster Salad Roll sits delicately off to my left, contentedly supported by a throne golden potato chips. The smell of brisket wafts in from the kitchen, studiously following a plump-looking Brisket Sandwich that can barely cling to its own lettuce for fear of splitting open. Burgers, whether veggie, angus, or of the bacon cheese variety, flank me on all sides. The locals flock to the Galley not only for the food, but for the dessert as well. A virtual kaleidoscope of ice creams pop off of the menu, begging to ruin my appetite. Soft serve flows like water in this place, in torrents of chocolate, vanilla, and twist, complemented by frappes, dots, and floats in every imaginable shape and color.  As the bold blood-orange sun dips below the waves in front of me, I have entered foodie paradise

The food is handed over the counter in a brown paper bag. The swordfish sandwich lives up to its promise. The light touch of pesto compliments the flavor of the thinly cut fillet of grilled swordfish.  The bread for the sandwich is airy and light, a refreshing change of pace. Fresh is the optimum word to describe each and every bite of the swordfish.

The Clam Chowder is also light, not your typical thick chowder. The base for the chowder is delicate and carries a rich flavor without the density one usually finds.  A generous amount of seafood goes nicely with the silky stock of the clam chowder. Even on a hot summer day, this bowl of clam chowder will call your name.

Magenta streaks soon paint the clouds in the sky, as the sun begins to set. The beauty of a sunset in Menemsha is one of the Vineyard’s most breathtaking experiences. The galley not only offers some of the finest food on Martha’s Vineyard, it also offers some of the finest views. Slow life down in Menemsha, take in the views, and enjoy the refreshing food of the Menemsha Galley.

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