Aley Lewis


Molly Horan is an outgoing and bubbly bartender whose personal qualities shine behind the bar. On a Sunday night around sun down, this Boston native was more than just working, she was providing bar goers with a comfortable and fun atmosphere. We asked her some questions about her history as a bartender, and what brought her to the Vineyard.


TW: What is your background in bartending?

MH: I was a waitress when I was younger at a family restaurant. I started in Boston, and this is my first summer experience here.


TW: You’re going to make such good money being a bartender on the island here, especially in July & August.

MH: Hopefully! That’s what I hear. I heard this place gets crazy, last night was pretty crazy.


TW: What brought you to the Vineyard?

MH: My manager, I was working for him in Boston at Beantown Pub, and he offered the job to me since they were low on staff. Plus, I love the beach so that is a plus.


TW: If you weren’t bartending, what would you be?

MH: I would love to be one of the people that create snapchat filters. That would be a sick job. I’m not sure how they do it, but it would be so fun!


TW: What is the craziest scene you witnessed at the bar?

MH: A guy took his head and smashed in through the front window of a restaurant in Boston. It was either his head or his cane…or both. The whole window was gone, and they had to have a 24/7 crew to board it up.


TW: If bartenders had a superpower, what would yours be?

MH: To read minds so I can just make drinks faster. I wouldn’t say super speed because I would just trip over myself.


TW: First drink you pour when your shift is over?

MH: Titos and soda, like a basic white girl.


TW: When people drink, they think they are rich. What is the largest tip you received?

MH: $300 from a Red Sox player, Mike Napoli.


TW: That must have been a cool experience.

MH: A bunch of them would come into the bar I worked for in Boston, it was interesting to witness.