IMG_0092The Vineyard possesses a selection of beautiful flowers throughout the seasons. At the very end of winter, snowdrops and crocuses bloom close to the ground. Snowdrops are generally indicative of spring, even though it might still snow for several weeks. Forsythias bloom later on, though many people cut them early and force them into bloom. Forsythia is a large, often unruly bush found wild all over the island, producing small, yellow flowers along the branches. Lilacs are another common Vineyard flower, often in pale purple and white, though it is possible to find lilacs in a darker or redder hue. They have a sweet fragrance without being overwhelming and look the best when placed in substantial, large bouquets. Wild roses often bloom in the last weeks of June and continue through the majority of the summer. Beach roses slightly later and, by the end of summer,  produce large rose hips which can be dried and made into supplements or tea. Finally, lilies bloom closer to the end of the summer and produce long stemmed, fragile flowers. The plants mentioned above may each be found within a short distance of one another. Some flowers grow entirely wild, while others were once cultivated but now grow unaided. Regardless, these and numerous other Vineyard flowers make for beautiful scenery along beaches, parks, and trails.